[PROJECT] Leeteuk Birthday Project 2011

Leeteuk Birthday Project: Charity Donation For Children Who Need

Good Valentine day for all of you ELF! ^^ in this lovely day we kindly announcing about our Leeteuk Birthday Project.
As for this year, Leeteuk wil be 29 y.o (korean age) so we decide on having something really lovely for his upcoming birthday. After series of dicussing and talking, we’ve come up to a charity donation for children with cancers.

This lovely project is a joint project between:










and we still hoping for more to come~

Why for children?
All of us know that Leeteuk is a very kind hearted and really fond of children and also, we initially considering it for cancerous children. do you guys still remember Jaehee? the little girl who appeared on Star King few years back then who was fighting with brain tumors?. It’s a heartbreaking story. Thus, in memorian of her and living up to Leeteuk’s fondess towards children we decide on doing this on his behalf. but of course the point is having charity donation for needy children.

Why not giving him personal gifts?
We do consider giving personal gifts (and certainly will announce it when more projects finalized) but we also thinks that this donation is actually a good thing. As Leeteuk would be happy to find out that his fans are doing good cause, the children would be also helped by this donation.

Where will the money be donated?

We considering to donate it to “WorldChildCancer”. The england-based organisation is currently having project in helping children with cancers in six different developing countries and in partnership with ICCCPO, International Society of Paediatric Oncology, and St.Jude Children’s Research Hospital and latter on we will also announce the money we gathered but we have other charity organization to be considered too, because there are lots of good charity organization for children

How to donate?

You need to fill this form and e-mail to:




Designated method of donation: PayPal/Bank Transfer

noted that country rep only for Singapore,indonesia,malaysia,phil, vietnam and Japan. If your country isnt listed here then im afraid that you really could donate with paypal only :C

We hope that you all loving the idea and will help us in this lovely project for our lovely Angel~!

if you have any question regarding the project, dont hesitate to ask us~!

if there any other leeteuk fansite/fanbases want to join us in this project, just tell us : ) this is a free-to-join project for all leeteuk’s fans

certainly waiting for your emails guys! ❤


Having donation for WorldChildCancer.org is Our First Goal, but in the end it will depend on the donation we could gathered. noted that WorldChildCancer.org is an England based organization which means we should donate in Poundsterling which having higher currency. We still have other option for the charity organization, so you dont have to worry we will give it to needy children.

Around May we will put up the final decision of the charity organization and give you the detailed reason.

If you have doubts,questions or worries regarding this project you can always email us at leeteukproject2011@hotmail.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible

thank you very much

Cr: leeteukwings.wordpress.com

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